Hello world!

Hi!  My name is Ian Melroy and this is my blog!  RAWR?

My intention is for this blog to be a repository for anything that interests me.  Fitness, nutrition, politics, technology, or whatever else happens to take my fancy will be fair game here.  I’ll be using this medium as a way to add some rigor to my thought processes and practice solid critical thinking.  Oh, I might also post fun things now and then…can’t be serious all the time!

So much of what we hear every day is nothing more than hearsay and gossip (or worse, purposeful misinformation).  I’ll do my best to provide solid logic and references so my readers (if I have any, lol) can verify my points for themselves.

If anybody has a counterpoint or comment feel free to post it, but keep it civil or I’ll delete it. 🙂

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